Scholarships are a great way for students to offset some of the costs and expenses that students face while in school.

They’re different types of scholarships depending on the intentions of the donors.

The full ride scholarships in Alabama are those financial awards that cover students’ cost of college expenses such as:

  • Textbooks
  • Accommodation
  • Full tuition fee
  • School materials, and
  • Their cost of living while they focus on learning.

Applications are open for students interested in getting Alabama scholarships and in this article;

We shall walk you through and also answer some of the related questions and other related educational opportunities.

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Why study In Alabama?

Alabama is one of the beautiful states located in the southeastern part of the U.S, with about 61 colleges and universities;

This place has attracted many international students who wish to study abroad in the U.S

Studying in Alabama will help you gain both academic experience and friendships that can last for a long time.

Graduates from any of the Alabama Universities get opportunities to work in any of the neigboring companies in the city, and you can also get a chance to enjoy the American dream.

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Does Alabama give full rides?

Many students from around the world are interested in knowing if they can get all-paid Alabama scholarships.

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Yes, you can. There are universities in Alabama that offer generous scholarships when you meet their requirements.

Students with 33 ACT or higher and SAT score of 1490 or higher can apply and receive full-tuition University of Alabama scholarships, and even receive an extra $2,500 annually for those with a career in engineering.

So if you are one, first check out the top engineering schools in Alabama and then apply.

What does a full ride scholarship pay for in Alabama?

Beneficiaries of the University of Alabama scholarships enjoy;

  • Tuition fees
  • Room for accommodation (Cost of living)
  • Cash stipends etc.

The full ride scholarships in Alabama tend to go to full-time students based on academic achievement.

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List of full ride scholarships in Alabama

The University of Alabama scholarships are grouped into the following

  • Academic Elite Alabama Scholarships
  • International Students Scholarships
  • In-State Scholarships (US Citizens/Permanent Residents)
  • Out-of-State Scholarships (US Citizens/Permanent Residents)
  • National Merit Finalist Scholarships

Academic Elite Alabama Scholarships

To be a beneficiary of these full ride scholarships in Alabama, the applicant must be accepted as a member of the University Fellows Experience by filling out the form.

You should also have a minimum composite ACT score of 32 (combined SAT reasoning score of 1400) and a minimum 3.8 high school GPA.

Selection based upon academic record, and extracurricular, service, and leadership achievements.

The benefit of this award:

  • Full tuition
  • One year of room accommodation
  • Annual stipend

If you pass the requirements, then start your applications now.

Visit the official page of the Academic Elite Alabama Scholarships to know more.


International Students Scholarships

There are plenty of full ride scholarships in Alabama for international students who wish to study abroad in the United States.

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The out-of-state scholarship is generally for all non-residents of a state and in this case, it covers international students too.

Except that international students are ineligible for the prestigious presidential elite scholar award.

Visit the official link of the full ride scholarships for international students in Alabama.


In-State Scholarships (US Citizens/Permanent Residents)

An in-state scholarship refers to the financial awards paid that are issued to students with a permanent residence in the state in which their university is located.

Students who have lived in one state their entire lives can easily qualify for a state scholarship, and as a result.

These state residents are able to attend the public institutions at a lower cost than people who are not residents of the state.

Here are the following scholarships for an in-state student;

Remember that in-state students receive in-state tuition when they have performed brilliantly and produced the required scores and GPA, then they can automatically get these scholarships.

  • Alabama Presidential Scholarship
  • Foundation in Excellence
  • Collegiate
  • Capstone
  • UA Legends
  • Crimson Achievements
  • UA Recognitions

To know more, visit the official site of the Alabama scholarships for in-state students below.


Out-of-State Scholarships (US Citizens/Permanent Residents)

An out-of-state scholarship refers to the financial aid issued to students coming from outside the state.

Remember that the out-of-state tuition is higher, so these full ride scholarships in Alabama are higher than in-state scholarships.

If you meet the GPA and SAT/ACT requirements, you will automatically get this scholarship.

Here are the following scholarships for an out-of-state student;

  • Alabama Presidential Scholarship
  • UA Scholar
  • Foundation in Excellence
  • Collegiate
  • Capstone
  • Crimson Legends

Visit the official site of the Alabama scholarships for Out-of-state students


National Merit Finalist Scholarships

The National Merit Scholarship Program is a privately funded, non-for-profit United States academic scholarship competition administered by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.

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This program began in 1955 and is mainly for students with US citizenship and permanent residency

To obtain this scholarship award, you will select any of the universities in Alabama and apply to as first choice by May 1st.

Some of the benefits of this award include;

  • Up to five years of full tuition
  • Accommodation cost for four years
  • $3,500 stipend annually
  • Allowance of $2,000 for summer research or study abroad
  • $500 per yearbook stipend

Get more details from the Official National Merit Finalist Scholarships Page!



We hope this article solves your immediate problem and helped you out!

This brings us to the end of this article on the top Alabama scholarships.

You can increase your chances of getting scholarships by applying for more scholarships.

And you can find many related education programs of your choice from our portal, Best Study Abroad Countries.

Frequently Asked Questions

How hard is it to get a full ride in Alabama?

If you want to know how hard is it to get a full ride scholarship? It is really hard, just less than 1 percent of applicants eventually these Alabama scholarships.

How to apply for the full ride scholarships in Alabama

There are a myriad of scholarships in Alabama for international and native students. If you have the needed SAT or ACT scores to qualify (30 ACT or 1360 SAT and 3.5+ GPA for in-state, and 32 ACT or 1420 SAT and 3.5+ GPA for out-of-state and international), then you will need to submit an online application to the specific Universities in Alabama.

How much is a full-ride at Alabama?

The value for any of the full ride scholarships in Alabama range from $2,000 up to over $30,000. This fee is comprised of $10,780 for tuition, $13,810 room and board, $1,000 for books and supplies and $840 for other fees.

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