It might be surprising to find out that there are plenty of unclaimed scholarships in Canada which go by annually because these scholarships are available but students fail to claim them.

Here, we have compiled some easy scholarships in Canada which are also unclaimed scholarships in Canada for students.


2 Top 30+ Unclaimed Scholarships in Canada

Is Unclaimed Scholarships a myth?

It may seem unthinkable that irrespective of the volume of Canadian scholarship applicants, some still go unclaimed since a whopping sum of $7 billion is made available for Tuition Aid.

Here are some of the reasons;

  • Students or intending applicants are not exposed to the information
  • Eligibility for the awards may be highly selective and as such, some applicants may leave the application process.
  • The winner might have provided false documents or pieces of information which results in revoking the grant.
  • Some Scholarships are Courses specific, and one could lose the Scholarship if there is a change from the original course.

Top 30+ Unclaimed Scholarships in Canada

This list contains over thirty out of the myriads of unclaimed scholarships in Canada, they include;

  • Ages Foundation Research Fellowship and Bursaries
  • Beaverbrook Scholars Award
  • Canadian College and University Fair – $3,500 Prize Draw
  • Canada Vanier Graduate Scholarships
  • Calgary International Entrance Scholarships
  • Carleton Prestige Scholarships
  • Check Your (Re) Flex Scholarship Awards Contest
  • De Beers Group Scholarships for Canadian Women
  • Electrical Industry Scholarships
  • Global Student Contest Scholarships
  • Graduate Covid-19 Program Delay Tuition Awards
  • International Impact Award
  • Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship
  • Marcella Linehan Scholarship
  • Laura Ulluriaq Gauthier Scholarship
  • Laurier Scholars Program
  • Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships
  • Queen’s University Scholarships 2021
  • Raven Bursaries
  • Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund
  • TELUS Innovation Scholarship
  • Toronto Regional Real Estate Board’s (TREBB) Past President’s Scholarship
  • Trudeau Scholarships and Fellowships
  • Université de Montréal (UdeM) Exemption Scholarship for International Students
  • University of Alberta Scholarships in Canada 2021
  • University of Toronto Scholarships 2021
  • University of Saskatchewan Scholarships 2021
  • University of Waterloo Scholarships in Canada 2021
  • Windsor University Scholarships
  • Winnipeg President’s Scholarships for World Leaders
  • York University International Student Scholarship

1. Ages Foundation Research Fellowship and Bursaries

The first on our list is the Ages Foundation Research Fellowship and Bursaries, this foundation assists students working on environmental research with financial instability while in college.

Value of Award:

(1)  $5,000 BIPOC award,

(2)   $5,000  award

(3)   A total of five $1,000+ bursaries depending on the total number of outstanding applications received.


  • Must be enrolled in a University or College in Canada
  • The research project must be focused on the environment



2. Beaverbrook Scholars Award

The University of New Brunswick offers these scholarship awards to students who have repeatedly shown academic excellence, shown leadership qualities, and been involved in extra-curricular activities, and should be in financial need.

The Beaverbrook Scholars Award is one of the unclaimed scholarships in Canada awarded annually to 3 students only.

Value of Award: $50,000.


  • Must be a student of the University of Brunswick
  • Must maintain a GPA of 3.5 to secure first funds, Funds increase as GPA increases, maintenance of GPA is advised


3. Canadian College and University Fair – $3,500 Prize Draw

Students running undergraduate or graduate programs can apply for this lottery type of scholarship. It is designed to aid students financially in tertiary institutions to prepare for their careers.

Value of Award: Up to $3,500 and other Prizes


  • Open to domestic and international students who wish to study at Canadian universities/ colleges.


4. Canada Vanier Graduate Scholarships

This is a research-based scholarship designed to financially assist graduate students working in the following fields

  • Health research
  • Natural sciences and/or engineering
  • Social sciences and humanities
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Distinguish yourself academically and possess some leadership qualities to be a beneficiary of this award program.

Value of Award: $50,000 per year for three years during doctoral studies.


  • The award is open to both domestic and international students
  • Candidates should be Permanent residents of Canada


5. Calgary International Entrance Scholarships

The University of Calgary offers this award to foreign students who have just gotten admitted into their Undergraduate program and beneficiaries of this program must have satisfied the English Language Proficiency requirement.

The scholarship can be renewed yearly in the second, third, and fourth year if the award recipient is able to maintain a GPA of 2.60 or more for a minimum of 24.00 units.

Value of Award: $15,000 (Renewable). Two awardees


  • Foreign students entering first-year into any undergraduate degree at the University of Calgary.


6. Carleton Prestige Scholarships

International students are always welcome to apply for this scholarship; however, this scholarship program has many awards to it, making it one of the unclaimed scholarships in Canada. Read below to see the list of the awards.

Value of Award:

  • Students with an average of 95 – 100% are given an unlimited number of $16,000 awards in renewable $4,000 installments over four years.
  • Students with an average of 90 – 94.9% are given an unlimited number of $12,000 awards in renewable $3,000 installments over four years.
  • Students with an average of 85 – 89.9% are given an unlimited number of $8,000 awards in renewable $2,000 installments over four years.
  • Students with an average of 80 – 84.9% are given an unlimited number of $4,000 awards in renewable $1,000 installments over four years.


  • Must have an admission average of 80 percent or higher into Carleton
  • Must meet the language requirements
  • Must be admitted into Carleton for the first time
  • Must not have attended any post-secondary educational institutions.


7. Check Your Reflex Scholarship Awards Contest

Candidates are welcome to this Check your reflex award contest, this scholarship sounds more like a lottery or game.

It is a contest scholarship emphasizing being a responsible player.
In fact, the nature of this award makes it one of the unclaimed scholarships in Canada.

Value of Award:

  • One (1) $1500 award
  • One (1) $1000 award
  • One (1) $500 award


  • Any student can apply.


8. De Beers Group Scholarships for Canadian Women

This Scholarship is aimed at including women in the education sector, creating a platform for Canadian women especially those from indigenous communities into the tertiary education system.

Value of Award: A minimum of four (4) awards valued at $2,400


  • The intending applicant should be a permanent resident of Canada
  • Must be entering a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) or STEM-related program.
  • This award is for females


9. Electrical Industry Award

The Electro-Federation Canada (EFC) award financially assists students in tertiary institutions interested in Electrical related fields with funding to support their academics.

This Scholarship is awarded by the EFC board and its employees and members.

Value of Award: $130,000 and it is totaled 52 scholarships in a number.


  • Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Must study courses related to the Electrical Field
  • Must have completed your first year in a recognized university or college in Canada, with a minimum 75% average.


10. Global Student Contest Scholarships

This is a yearly awarded scholarship to financially assist students with high-performing results in their studies, as a contest, some awards are won while others become part of the unclaimed scholarships in Canada.

Value of Award: $500 – $1,500.


  • Eligible to students of both graduate and undergraduate
  • Awards are given to students with a 3.0 or better grade point average


 11. Graduate Covid-19 Program Delay Tuition Awards

This is one of the most unclaimed scholarships in Canada; the Graduate Covid Program Delay Tuition Awards are unspecified financial grants created to support graduate students in the UBC whose academic work or research progress was extended due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The beneficiaries will receive awards equivalent to their tuition. The prize is awarded once.

Value of Award: Not specified


  • The applicant must be a graduate student at the UBC
  • The candidate must have been registered as a full-time student in a research-based Master’s or doctoral program in the 2020 Summer term (May-August 2020).
  • Should be registered in term 8 of their Master’s program or in term 17 of their Doctoral program.


12. International Impact Award

As the name implies, this International Impact Award is created to support students interested in solving global issues such as social justice issues, climate change, equity and inclusion, societal health and wellness, and freedom of expression.

From research, it has been found that is one of the unclaimed scholarships in Canada, you can apply for this award if you are eligible.

Value of Award: Not specified


  • International or foreign students who will be studying in Canada on a Canadian study permit can apply.
  • Intending candidates must be applying for their first undergraduate degree.
  • Must meet UBC’s admission requirements.
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 13. Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship

Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship is a charitable award program designed for students who have lost their support; either a parent/guardian or both with no life insurance coverage.

Value of Award: $10,000 each annually


  • Students should be currently enrolled in an accredited university or college in Canada.
  • The candidate should be a permanent resident of Canada
  • Be between 17 and 24 years of age at the time of application
  • Have lost a parent or legal guardian who had little or no life insurance coverage.


 14. Marcella Linehan Scholarship

Registered nurses finishing their graduate program in either Master’s or Doctorate level can apply for this yearly scholarship award. This is strictly for nurses and as such many people miss out on this making it one of the unclaimed scholarships in Canada. If you are eligible, I suggest you shoot your shot at it.

This is one very easy scholarship in Canada to obtain.

Value of Award: $2000 (full-time) or $1000 (part-time)


  • Must be enrolled (full-time or part-time) in a nursing graduate program at a recognized university.
  • Applicant must be a reputed member of the College of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador (CRNNL)
  • Applicant must not be a former beneficiary of the Scholarship


15. Laura Gauthier Scholarship

Qulliq Energy Corporation (QEC) supports bright Nunavut students interested in pursuing a post-secondary education with yearly scholarship awards.

Value of Award: $5000.


  • Must be enrolled in a technical college or university program



The Laurier Scholars Award is a yearly scholarship program that offers seven qualified beneficiaries financial grants and also mentorship.

However, because this is a new award program, many miss out on it, making it one of the unclaimed scholarships in Canada.

Value of Award: $40,000 entrance scholarship for seven students


  • New students at Laurier University are eligible to apply.
  • The award is given and maintained based on academic performance
  • List of Accomplished academic goals


17. Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship offers grants based on high performance or academic brilliance.

This is an award that allows brilliant students both international and domestic to study at the University of Toronto.

As a bright student, this is one of the unclaimed scholarships in Canada for you.

Value of Award: Not specified.


  • Canadians, international students with a study permit, and permanent residents.
  • Outstanding and exceptional students.


18. Queen’s University Scholarships

Apply for some of the unclaimed scholarships in Canada from the Queen’s University Scholarship program. Check out the eligibility and visit the official link to get started.

Value of Award: Ranging from $1,500 – $20,000


  • Must be a student of Queen’s University.


 19. Raven Bursaries

The University of Northern British Columbia offers Raven bursary awards to new full-time students of the University, this was established in 1994, however, some of these easy scholarships in Canada still go unclaimed. Check for eligibility and apply.

Value of Award: $2,000


  • Students offering full-time studies at the University of Northern British Columbia for the first time are eligible to apply
  • These students should have brilliant academic performance
  • These students show to explain why they need the awards.


20. Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund

The Ted Rogers Scholarship is one of the unclaimed scholarships in Canada, offering numerous scholarships to students in Canada to assist them to grow in their career path, Even if you are into arts, sciences, reengineering, or even trades, you are eligible to apply for this award.

Value of Award: $2,500.


  • Students newly admitted into Universities or colleges in Canada can apply.


 21. TELUS Innovation Scholarship

This is one of the scholarships offered by the University of Northern British Columbia. As one of the top unclaimed scholarships in Canada for global students, the TELUS Scholarship offers Innovation awards to all full-time students who are residents of Northern British Columbia.

Value of Award: $3,000


  • Full-time students residing within the Northern British Columbia environment are eligible to apply.


 22. Toronto Regional Real Estate Board’s (TREBB) Past President’s Scholarship

The Toronto Regional Real Estate Board is a non-profit corporation founded in 1920 by a small group of real estate practitioners, but the scholarship program was established in 2007.

The scholarship is intended to assist high school students in Canada financially.

Value of Award: $15000 to four selected candidates in High School


  • Develop and demonstrate leadership skills
  • Applicants must have permanent residence in Canada
  • 1500 essay stating reasons why the scholarship is useful to you


23. Trudeau Scholarships and Fellowships

The Trudeau Scholarships and Fellowships is a scholarship that is open to students who have an interest in leadership and have a zeal for improvement and development in society. The program supports beneficiaries to have meaningful impacts in their institutions and societies by equipping them with key leadership skills and service to the community.

Value of Award:

For the learning of languages

  • Up to $20,000 yearly for three years.

For other programs

  • Up to $40,000 yearly for three years to cover tuition and cost of living.
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  • Graduate Students at any accredited Canadian University
  • Undergraduate students at any accredited Canadian University.


24. Université de Montréal (UdeM) Exemption Scholarship for International Students

Award: Exemption from additional tuition fees for international students.

The Université de Montréal opens its arms to accepting both international and domestic students who have shown extraordinary talents to attend the institution and get the benefit of exemption from additional tuition.

Many are not aware of this opportunity, making this one of the unclaimed scholarships in Canada to obtain.


  • International students from different locations are eligible to apply.
  • Must not be a permanent resident or Canadian citizen.
  • Must be enrolled full-time in a study program throughout their studies.


25. University of Alberta Scholarships in Canada

The University of Alberta offers scholarship programs awarded by the Canadian government to assist international and domestic students who wish to study, conduct research in Canada, or gain professional development in Canada on a short-term basis.

Value of Award: CAD 7,200 – CAD 15,900.


  • Opened to Canadian Citizens and Students at the University of Alberta.
  • International students are eligible to apply too.


26. University of Toronto Scholarships

The University of Toronto offers some of the most unclaimed scholarships in Canada; you can apply for these easy scholarships if you are a newly admitted student in your first year of undergraduate studies.

Once you apply for admission to the University of Toronto, you automatically get considered for a variety of admission awards.

Value of Award: Not specified.


  • New students of the University of Toronto.
  • Students transferring from another college/university are not eligible for admission awards.


 27. University of Saskatchewan Scholarships 2021

The University of Saskatchewan offers graduate scholarships to the College of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (CGPS). This scholarship is however selected to some departments in the school, these units include;

  • Anthropology
  • Art & Art History
  • Curriculum Studies
  • Education – cross-departmental Ph.D. program
  • Indigenous Studies
  • Languages, Literatures, & Cultural Studies
  • Large Animal Clinical Sciences
  • Linguistics & Religious Studies
  • Marketing
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Small Animal Clinical Sciences
  • Veterinary Pathology
  • Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies.

Value of Award: $20,000.


  • Must be fully-qualified students who are either continuing their program or are in the process of being admitted into a graduate degree program.
  • Must be in the first 36 months of a Master’s degree program or in the first 48 months of a Doctoral degree program.
  • Applicants must have a minimum of 80% average as a continuing student or an entrance average as a prospective student.


 28. University of Waterloo Scholarships in Canada

The University of Waterloo offers respective scholarships to its students, some of these awards are converted while some are part of the unclaimed scholarships in Canada, below are some of the easy scholarships in Canada offered by the University of Waterloo:

  • International Student Entrance Scholarships.
  • Merit Scholarship
  • President’s Scholarship
  • President’s Scholarship of Distinction

Value of Award: $1,000 – $100,000


  • Open to all Waterloo Students.


 29. Windsor University Scholarships

The Windsor University fully-funded scholarship for MBA programs is awarded to international students.

As a student, you can apply for the award on a monthly basis and stand a chance to win.

Value of Award:  $1,800 – $3,600


  • International Students at Windsor University.


30. Winnipeg President’s Scholarships for World Leaders


  • Six (6) $5,000 undergraduate awards
  • Three (3) $5,000 graduate awards
  • Three (3) $3,500 colligate awards
  • Three (3) $3,500 PACE awards
  • Three (3) $3,500 ELP awards.

The University of Winnipeg President’s Scholarship for World Leaders is an easy scholarship award in Canada for international students who are enrolling in any of the University’s programs for the first time.

Applicants can either be enrolled in an undergraduate program, a graduate program, a collegiate program, a Professional Applied Continuing Education (PACE) program, or an English Language Program (ELP).


  • Students at the University of Winnipeg.


31. York University International Student Scholarship

TheYork University offers scholarship grants to international students who wish to study abroad in Canada, these students should  be from secondary schools (or equivalent) or through the direct entry undergraduate program and should be applying to any of the following Faculties;

  • Environmental and Urban Change
  • School of Arts
  • Media
  • Performance and Design
  • Health
  • Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
  • Sciences.

The scholarship is renewable depending on your consistent academic brilliance.

Value of Award: $35000 for four (4) beneficiaries.


  • Outstanding international students applying to study at York University.
  • Must have a study permit.



There are more unclaimed scholarships in Canada for you, here we highlighted over 30 of them.

We hope this helps you and finally to increase your chances of getting them, apply for as many as possible that you are eligible for.


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