Boarding School Scholarships in USA: If you’re planning to go to boarding school in the USA, then you might be wondering how to fund your education.

Paying your way through an American boarding school can cost tens of thousands of dollars per year, and a lot of families can’t afford that kind of outlay.

Luckily, there are a number of scholarships designed to help students attending boarding schools in the USA from the U.S. federal government and from private foundations, organizations, and individuals.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best scholarships you can find, no matter what state you decide to call home. Let’s get started!

Are there free boarding schools in the USA?

Yes, there are boarding schools in the United States where students from ages 5-18 at-risk can get enrolled without paying for tuition, here are some of them;

  • Boy’s Ranch in Amarillo, Texas.
  • Cookson Hills in Kansas, Oklahoma.
  • Milton Hershey School in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
  • The SEED School of Washington, D.C.

Also read: 28 Easiest Boarding Schools to Get Into With High Acceptance Rate

What are the types of boarding school scholarships?

There are three types of boarding school scholarships available to students, they include;

  • Merit-based scholarships
  • Part-tuition boarding school scholarships
  • Full tuition boarding scholarships

Merit-based boarding scholarships

Merit-based boarding scholarships are those awards gotten due to the student’s skill or ability.

Here are some schools offering Merit-based scholarships;

  • Admiral Farragut Academy
  • Amerigo Chicago North Shore Carmel Catholic High School
  • Amerigo Houston Saint Pius X High School
  • Annie Wright Schools
  • Applewild School
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Part-tuition boarding school scholarships

Part-tuition boarding school scholarships are all about what they sound like – they allow you to take a certain percentage of the total cost of attendance and cover it. This means you don’t have to pay the full tuition fee, but rather just your part-tuition amount.

Full tuition boarding scholarships

A full tuition boarding scholarship typically covers the cost of lodging, as well as all books and meals, for a given period of time (generally one year), and as with other scholarships, it does not have to be repaid.

Here are some of the schools in the USA offering fully-funded boarding scholarships in the USA;

  • Fenn School
  • Phillips Exeter Academy

Westchester Country Day School also offers boarding scholarships although it is not a boarding school.

What are the requirements for boarding school scholarships?

The requirements for boarding school scholarships vary from school to school, but the most common is related to the following:

  • Academic merit
  • Involvement with extracurricular activities
  • Contributions to the community
  • Financial need
  • Participation in specific programs

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What are the boarding school scholarships in USA?

Boarding school scholarships in the USA

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1. The Shepherd Foundation

Established in 1989, the Shepherd Foundation is one of the boarding scholarships in the USA for students who are in financial need in Washington.

The Shepherd Foundation is religiously affiliated with the Catholic Church, and this does not mean all beneficiaries must be Catholics.

The foundation has since its inception been providing about $50,000 yearly worth of financial aid to local elementary and high school students, over 9,000 students are beneficiaries of this program.

2. Tri-County Scholarship Fund

Tri-County Scholarship Fund is one of the most coveted boarding schools in the USA for students in grades K-12 in New Jersey.

Financially disadvantaged students regardless of nationality are welcome to apply for the award, and interested students will have to apply to an accredited Tri-County partner school in addition to the application for a Tri-County Scholarship.

In 2021 alone, Tri-County offered over 750 scholarships, and in addition to the k-8 and high school scholarships, Tri gives $5,000 to high school students who have shown academic brilliance and have demonstrated financial need.

3. Bisons Children Scholarship Fund

Founded in 1995, the Bisons Children Scholarship Fund is a privately-owned organization providing financial education opportunities to students in Western New York.

Financially disadvantaged school children in grades K-12 are assisted with funding for the tuition cost, the maximum amount of assistance a family can receive per year is $2,500 per child.

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4. Independent Scholarship Fund

The Independent Scholarship Fund (ISF) is one of the organizations offering financial assistance to children for educational purposes.

Since 1999, the ISF has awarded $2,706,409 in scholarships, boarding school students in the Bay Area of the USA can apply and win up to $1,500 provision towards their tuition.

The Independent Scholarship Fund (ISF) is one of the organizations offering need and merit-based scholarships to students who are in K-12th grade.

5. Green Heart Travel

Green Heart Travel offers scholarship programs to international students traveling for the first time out of the USA for high school programs.

International students will enjoy tuition-free education in the countries they are going to.

6. Halsey Fund Scholar

Halsey Fund Scholar offers scholarships that cover tuition for students who have demonstrated financial need and have high academic performance.

Undergraduate students beginning in their freshman year can apply and receive support for up to four academic semesters.

7. Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange

The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) scholarship is one of the boarding school scholarships in USA for high school students.

The award covers the tuition of selected students who want to experience a culture and learn a language for a year in Germany with host families attending a German school and participating.

The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange is jointly funded and managed by the U.S and German governments.

8. BP Program STEM Academies

The British Petroleum program and AFS partners to host the BP Global STEM Academies, this is a four-week program that happens in Brazil, Egypt, India, and the USA.

Secondary students that have demonstrated interest in science, technology, engineering, and math and are looking to study abroad can connect with this opportunity.

To be eligible for the BP Program STEM scholarship, students must be interested in STEM programs and are willing to secure travel documents to travel abroad.

9. Imagine America Foundation

The Imagine America Foundation (IAF) was established in 1982, it is a not-for-profit organization that offers scholarships and other educational opportunities to hundreds of trade schools across the country!

High school students in the USA and Puerto Rico that are recently graduated can apply and win up to about $1000 annually.

10. Washington Scholarship Fund

Washington Scholarship fund is one of the USA boarding school scholarships for high school seniors who want to fund their college education.

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The Washington scholarship fund offers this scholarship to students who are eligible to offset their college education.

They also give scholarships to high school students who within a minimum of two years have been residents in Washington Depot, Marbledale, and New Preston.

11. Latino Student Fund

Founded in 1994, the Latino Student Foundation (LSF) helps students who are at-risk and in Pre K-12th grade to get into college.

Students in Washington and the USA at large can take advantage of this funding opportunity, the mission of the Latino Student Fund is to tackle the growing rate of high school dropouts of Hispanic/Latino students in Washington, DC.

12. Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund

Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund is one of the boarding school scholarships in the United States that supports economically disadvantaged students.

This scholarship was founded by two brothers with their families in 1989 to help youths living in Chicago.

To be eligible for the Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund, applicants must be entering grades 7-8 and must plan to attend a private, college preparatory school.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does boarding school cost in America?

The average boarding school cost in America is $56,875 per year, according to Boarding School Review, however, there are cheaper boarding schools with tuition of less than $10,000 per year.

Are there any benefits to boarding school?

There are plenty of benefits of attending a boarding school, one of the most significant is that young children can live meaningful lives and make lifelong connections.


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