Motivation Letter For A Job: For many job seekers, the perfect motivation letter can make all the difference between landing the job or being ignored forever in the pile of applicants.

A motivation letter typically comes at the beginning of your application and is a great way to introduce yourself to hiring managers and other employers.

And, it also gives you a chance to let them know why you’re interested in working for their company and how you feel you can add value to their business.

While writing this type of letter isn’t always an easy task, there are several tips that can help you craft an excellent motivation letter that will impress recruiters and hiring managers alike.

The characteristics of a successful job motivation letter.

If you want to write a successful motivation letter for a job, it is important that you keep it straight to the point, and a successful motivational letter is one that builds on the experience and education of the candidate.

The letter should showcase your skills and how you can contribute to the company, you are actually writing to humans so you have to make it look lively.

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Your job motivational letter should show that you are passionate about what you do and why it will be important for this company.

The letter should also not only speak to your potential employer, but it should also show how you can help benefit their business as well.

Also read: How To Write A Killer Bursary Motivation Letter With No Experience Needed

How to write a great motivation letter for a job

Motivation letter for a job

To write a great job motivational letter that will stand out successfully, you need to constructively penetrate the hiring manager’s mind by aligning your strengths and skills with the company’s vision and mission.

To do this, you need to ask yourself certain questions that will guide you, some of which include;

  • Why do you want to get this particular job?
  • What are your strengths and skills that can help with this position?
  • What can you bring to this company?
  • How will you approach this job from day one?
  • Why should they hire you over other candidates?

From your understanding of these questions, you can find the passion to write the letter and combine your strengths and skills, and match them with the company’s vision.

Also read: How To Write a Motivation Letter for Internship Success With No Experience

How to Structure a Motivational Letter for a Job

The Structure of a motivation letter for a job

Generally, a job motivational letter is highly recommended to be a one-page document with a length of about 250 to 400 words and three to five paragraphs.

This letter should include three main structures;

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion

Introduction of the letter

The introduction of your job motivational letter should be straightforward, quickly introduce yourself, and carefully state the position you are applying for and also the company’s name.

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You can tweak it according to your creativity but don’t fill it with irrelevancies.

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Body of the letter

This is where the main work comes, in the body. It is recommended to summarize in three paragraphs questions like;

  • Why do you want to get this particular job?
  • What are your strengths and skills that can help with this position?
  • What can you bring to this company?
  • How will you approach this job from day one?
  • Why should they hire you over other candidates?

In the body of the letter, you can also talk about any unique background information or your ambitions with the company, make it detailed yet very concise.


Alright, from the name we can guess what it should be about, this is the stage you write your final notes, and closing remarks, explain your excitement about the opportunity, and also put a respectful trigger call to action such as;

  • “You can reach out to me at …. for further details.”
  • “For further inquiries, you can set up an interview with me at….”
  • “If you need additional information or documents, feel free to call me at…”

Also read: How to Write a Volunteer Motivation Letter For Success (With Samples)

Steps to writing a successful job motivation letter

Now that you have known what is involved in writing this job motivational letter, follow these recommended steps to create yours;

  • Research about the company and know if you can match the role with your skills
  • Create an outline of the letter showing the address, introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Now carefully fill each section matching the company’s vision with your skill to show that you are the most qualified candidate for the job.
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A Sample of a motivation letter for a job application

Sample of a motivation letter for a job


You might be wondering how to write a successful motivation letter for a job with no experience.

Just make sure you have a good idea of the industry you are applying for as well as what company you’re applying to work for.

Finally, make sure that the position that you are applying for is something that interests and motivates you!

Related: How To Write A Perfect Motivation Letter For Funding With No Experience (+Samples)

Frequently Asked Questions of Job Motivational Letter

What is the difference between a Cover letter and a motivation letter for a job?

The difference between a cover letter and a motivation letter is how they are written. Cover letters typically include information about your job experience and skills, whereas motivation letters tend to focus more on what you can offer the employer.

How to write start a short motivation for a job

To write a short job motivational letter, start off by introducing yourself and describing your qualifications. Next, explain how your skills will be a benefit to the company and why you are excited about the opportunity. End by reiterating that you are interested in the position and look forward to hearing from them soon. Be sure to keep it short, sweet, and professional.

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